Wednesday 14 December 2011

Wordless Wednesday

It has been a long day and I have just drafted a blog on Bikes but have now just realised my photos I wanted to include are at school.

As a result I have dug up an old family photo of our old house in Dunedin where I lived in my early working years at Cadbury's.

I have included this photo because I'm heading down to Dunedin this weekend. I will catch up with my Dad, sister Catherine and her husband Darrel who are in this photo.

Dad and Mum at Catherine's Wedding

Catherine and Darrel on their big day

I'm looking forwrd to seeing them and having a break away. A chance to unwind and spend Christmas with my family!


Lea said...

What lovely photos! Glad you'll be able to spend some time with your family.

blackhuff said...

Such nice photos. Thanks for sharing them. Why was the day so hard and long today?

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Paul do enjoy Christmas with your family. Merry Christmas. B

Ellie said...

Lovely pictures Paul, I hope you have a lovely time visiting your family.